Our Elmbridge Junior Citizen event is currently running at the Civic Centre in Esher provided courtesy of Nic Martin, Policy & Community Safety Officer, Elmbridge Borough Council. The Elmbridge Community and Safety Partnership also kindly sponsored the event.

By the time the event ends on 20 June, over 1,000 Year 6 children (10-11 Year Olds) from local primary schools across the borough will have visited to take part in a series of interactive safety workshops.

As always, we could not host these events without the help and support of the participating agencies. So, our thanks go to South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, Network Rail / BTP / South Western Railway, PA Housing (Paragon Asra),

Children and Family Health Surrey (School Nurses), Places for People Leisure and Hope UK.

Thanks also to our on-site event coordinators Gary Perks and Wendy Roberts.

Here’s a selection of photos from our showcase day where we were honoured to have some VIP guests along to join us. Principal attendees were Councillor Richard Williams, Mayor of Elmbridge, Councillor Bruce McDonald, Leader of Elmbridge Borough Council, Adam Chalmers, Chief Executive, Elmbridge Borough Council and the pupils Chandlers Field Primary School, West Molesey.

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