The Facts
A leading provider of child safety events in the UK
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The lives of children and young people are ending prematurely and unnecessarily due to unintentional injury.

  • Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death in children aged from five to 19 years.
  • Tens of millions of children require hospital care every year for non-fatal injuries.

When a child reaches the age of nine years old, drowning, road traffic injuries, burns and poisoning together cause the biggest threat to his or her survival.

  • Child injuries remain a problem in high-income countries and account for 40% of deaths.

In the UK alone, unintentional injury is a leading cause of death and illness among children aged one to 14 years, and causes more children to be admitted to hospital each year than any other reason.

  • Unintentional injury results in more than six million visits to A & E departments.
  • Approximately two million of these involve children.
  • This costs the NHS approximately 140 million pound.
  • Half of the injuries occur at home.
  • Unintentional injuries are a substantial and preventable public health problem, and represent a significant burden to society.
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