Over the past year, more than 10,000 primary school children from 400 schools across Greater Manchester learnt valuable life-saving skills as they participated in a series of activities conducted by experts in safety and accident prevention.
Child Safety Media would like to thank Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service, British Transport Police, Public Health, the NHS, Children and Young People’s Service, Council Departments, Community Safety Partnerships, Housing Associations, Dogs Trust, Barclays Bank and supporting agencies for the provision of scenarios, personnel and finance.
Thanks must also be given to Haytons Travel and Carsville Coaches for transportation, and The Manchester College, Mersey Valley Sports Club and Alternative Venues for the provision of safe environments from which to operate.
Crucial Crew is a collaborative event that aims to keep the children of Greater Manchester safe. We take great pride in the ability of these events to provide children with the necessary skills and experiences to keep themselves and others safe. Without the help and support of the professionals involved these schemes would not take place.
Our intention is to continue to expand the reach and appeal of these events and we look forward to welcoming you all in the coming months.
Thank you.