Yesterday, 12 October, saw our Crucial Crewe event draw to a close. Held at Crewe Alexandra Football Club, the event played host to over 1000 year 6 pupils from local schools giving them the opportunity to participate in a number of interactive safety workshops. Year 6 pupils are at an important stage in their lives as they prepare to transition from primary to secondary school.

The workshops were presented by Cheshire Constabulary, SP Energy Networks, CGL – Cheshire East (Young Persons Substance Misuse Service), 0 – 19 School Nursing Cheshire East, Dogs Trust and Gist and covered a range of topics designed to help the pupils to stay safe in the future. In addition to thanking our workshops teams, we would also like to thank BAE Systems who have agreed to sponsor the event for the next five years by providing funding for the Junior Life Skills handbook. Every child attending the event received a personal copy of this valuable resource.

We were also honoured to welcome Crewe’s Mayor, Councillor Nan Walton to the event on our VIP day.

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