Happy days! Here’s another picture competition winner. This time, it’s Olwen, a pupil at Sandfield Primary School in Guildford.
Olwen attended our Guildford Junior Citizen event in May, and her competition entry was considered the best.
With support from Simon Godber (Olwen’s teacher at Sandfield), Michael Jones, Education & Engagement Officer for the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership, presented Olwen with £50 worth of Terrible Thames theatre vouchers as her prize, together with laminated copies of her artwork and a Junior Citizen certificate.
Michael felt particularly honoured that a winner had produced a heathland-themed piece of artwork again (the Picture Competition winner of the ‘2023 Reigate & Banstead JC’ scheme did something similar too!).
With wildfires being so prominent in the news currently, it’s great that young people are learning how important it is to respect and protect these open spaces which are so valuable not only for leisure but also for the many species of wildlife that inhabit them.