Some photos from last week’s VIP day at our Reigate and Banstead Junior Citizen event. During the run of the event, we played host to over 1000 local pupils, and as usual, there were lots of fun-filled activities for the pupils to take part in and lots of important safety messages for them to take away.
For the VIP day, we were honoured to have the Mayor of Reigate and Banstead Cllr Keith Foreman and Mayoress Mrs Helen Foreman as our special guests. along with Cllr Jeff Harris, R&B Local Committee;(Chairman), Cllr Barbara Thomson, R&B Local Committee;(Vice-Chairman), David Munro, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey, John Ryan, Specialist – CSR & Environmental Affairs, Toyota (GB) Plc, Pamela Goee, Head of Community, SGN, Sarah Povey, Head of Marketing, Total Gas & Power, Insp Angie Austin, Surrey Police, Sarah Crosbie, County Lines Coordination Manager, Surrey Police, Andrew Treasure, Area Commander, Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, Carl Bussey, Assistant Director of Community Safety, Surrey County Council.
Special thanks go to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey, SGN, Total Gas & Power, Toyota (GB) Plc and Members of the Reigate & Banstead Local Area Committee (with funding from the Members’ Community Allocation) for their support. Most important of all, we would like to thank everyone involved from each of the participating organisations, many of whom are volunteering in their own time and working so hard on our behalf to keep us all safe.
The participating agencies were Surrey Police, RNLI, SGN, Hope UK, Children and Family Health Surrey (School Nurses), Surrey Fire and Rescue Service.