Here are some photos from the VIP day at our recent Reigate & Banstead ‘Junior Citizen’ event on Thursday, 28th March 2019. The event ran from Monday 18th March until Friday 29th March 2019 inclusive, during which time over 1,000 Year 6 children (10-11-Year-Olds) from local primary schools across the borough took part in a series of interactive safety workshops. The event was sponsored by SES Water (main sponsor), SGN, The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey, and Total Gas & Power and was held at the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (Headquarters) courtesy of Chief Fire Officer, Steve Owen-Hughes and his colleagues, Ben Serra and Wendy Harkness.
Participating agencies were Surrey Police, RNLI, British Transport Police, Hope UK, Children and Family Health Surrey (School Nurses), Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, and Child Safety Media co-ordinators were Gary Perks, on-site coordinator (supported by Wendy Roberts)
Principal VIP attendees were –
Cllr Dorothy Ross-Tomlin – current Mayoress R&B
(accompanied by Consort, Mr Jim Ross-Tomlin)
Cllr Jeff Harris, Chairman Reigate and Banstead Local Committee
Cllr Barbara Thomson, Vice-Chairman Reigate and Banstead Local Committee
Insp Angie Austin, Surrey Police
Sarah Brighton, CEO, Hope UK
Anthony Ferrar, Managing Director, SES Water
Amy Devlin, Communications Manager, Total Gas & Power
Sarah Goodman, Community Projects Officer, Surrey Prepared
Jenny Harvey, Surrey Prepared
The school that attended on the VIP Day was Langshott Primary School, Horley, and the Coach Operator was Banstead Coaches.